Cyprus is conducting a thorough surveillance campaign in order to stymie the spread of COVID-19. If residents leave the house, they must send a text message to a government-monitored phone number; the government has made different numbers available depending on the reason for leaving the house. Each message grants a three-hour pass, and residents are only allowed to leave the house up to two times per day for a total of six hours. Listen as Valentina describes these lockdowns and more.
Episode 5 of "Behind the Mask" features Mercedes Perez, a former foreign exchange student at Oswego during the fall of 2018. Perez hails from...
During this episode of "Behind the Mask," Tomas meets with Nirdishtha Sapkota to discuss her native country of Nepal. During the pandemic, Nepal has...
The pilot episode of Behind The Mask will take listeners to France, where Julia Tilley (Class of '20) is currently a school language assistant....